Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August Contest

Hi All! I am the new Contest writer upper! For August's Contest we will be giving away Kelsey Bryant's  Novel, Family Reunion as the first place prize! (second and third place get posted on the blog)

My Novel

So heres the rules: Please read the back of a book you have never read before. Then while looking at the front cover, write the first chapter to that book. There is no word count, but keep in mind that it should be about the size of a chapter. It can be a short chapter or a long one, but not two paragraphs and not 100 pages!
I'm sure it will be interesting for you to read the actual book afterwards and see how far off you were and how similar or different your characters were to the actual ones!
When your done writing your chapter just sudmit it to
The contest closes on the 20'th and we'll have the results up on the 27'th =)


  1. Is it ok if it is part of a series you have already read the first book of?

    1. That would be fine, as long as you haven't read the book your reading the back cover to. =)

  2. The contest closes on the 20'th and we'll have the results up on the 27'th =)

  3. Wow! This is so neat! I will have to do this!


This is a kid friendly site, so please keep that in mind while commenting. Also, I aprechaite hearing your thoughts and will reply to your comment as soon as possible.