Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February Contest

Hey, How you doing? I'm glad you could stop by today. 

This month we're giving away Molly Evangeline's The Pirates Daughters Promise!


This month we're doing quotes from your book. This is a quote not a whole section so try to keep it at about 100 words. Also this is not necessarily your most epic quote, it can be sweet or anything. :) This can be from any part of your book but it needs to be self explanatory.

When your done writing, or perfecting your quote just send it into by the 19'th. Results will be posted on the 26'th.

-Mikayla and Ysa-


  1. Do you have to have written a book to enter this contest?

    1. No, Its just basically a clip from your book. :) You can go write 100 words right now and it would count. =)


This is a kid friendly site, so please keep that in mind while commenting. Also, I aprechaite hearing your thoughts and will reply to your comment as soon as possible.