Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Interview with Sarah Holman

Today we have an interview with Sarah Holman! 

First could you tell us a bit about yourself?
Hi! My name is Sarah, I am 23 years old, and live in Texas. Writing is my passion, one I think God gave to me. I have five sisters and one brother, which makes for a full, crazy, fun, and awesome home.

What’s your favorite book?
The Bible is my favorite book ever. I try to read it every morning. If I had to pick another book, It would be Christy by Catharine Marshall. It had a profound impact in my faith and I shaping how I look at the world

Who's your favorite Author?
That changes from time to time. Currently, it is Elizabeth Camden. Her style is amazing, she makes me feel like I am really there. Her characters are deep and so relatable. Her historic research is also amazing!

If you could meet one person who would it be?
Okay, now you are going to see my political side come out. I would love to meet George W. Bush. I don’t agree with him on everything, but I admire him so much. His faith, his standing up for what he thought was right, and how he handled 9/11 are all things that I have admired.

Can you tell us anything about the book you’re working on right now?
Yes, I am busy working on a historical fiction called A Different Kind of Courage. It is set in Boston during the early days of the American Revolution (1774 and 1775). The story is about a young man who has just returned from four years in England. Returning home to Boston, William must decide which side of his county’s struggle he is on, and how far he is willing to go to protect his secrets.

What was the best part of writing Adventures and Adversities?
The best part was wring a historical fiction after writing sci-fi. Although I enjoyed writing The Destiny series, I love historical fiction far more.

What was the worst part of writing Adventures and Adversities?
Editing. Editing was a very hard, very long process for this book. Not only was there a lot of things that need to be changed, but health issues also kept getting in the way.

How did you begin writing?
I have always been a story teller, but I began my first novel when I was eleven. It took me three years to complete it, but I did. I have been writing stories ever since.

What inspired you to begin writing?
 I was watching Robin Hood and I decided I wanted to write a version where he didn’t steal. My mom challenged me to write my own story. I kept writing because I couldn’t find the kind of books I wanted to read.

What is your favorite genre?
Historical fiction, hands down. I love being swept back into time and learning about places and people of long ago.

Do you do any research for you books? If you do what are your main sources?
I do a lot of research of my books and I have different resources depending on the book. I use Wikipedia a lot as a starting point. For my latest book I have also spent a lot of time on the Massachusetts Historical Society website.

What do you like most about writing?
There is so much I love about weaving a tale, it is hard to pick what I love most. However, I think is when I get an email or read a review that tells of how someone was impacted for good because on one of my stories

Any final thoughts?
You will never be a perfect writer, no one ever is. Strive to be the best you can be and then let God use you story even if it isn’t perfect.

Thank you Sarah!

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